Our Typical Clients : Enna and Associates

Our Typical Clients

Individuals approaching or in retirement, or individuals receiving a lump sum of money due to a legal settlement, or death benefit proceeds, who are seeking the best way to position assets for wealth accumulation, and/or provide themselves income during the remainder of their lifetimes: 

  • Providing guaranteed income regardless of any crisis that may occur in the future.
  • Providing income with proper income tax planning taken into account.
  • Providing income while anticipating an increase in future needs due to inflation, health issues, etc.

All guarantees are backed by the claims-paying ability of the issuing company.

Individuals seeking objective analysis, and portfolio design* in many situations: 

  • Retirement plan rollovers to an IRA upon retirement or job change.
  • Re-investment of proceeds from a sale of a business, inheritance, legal or disability settlement, etc.
  • Analysis and/or consolidation of an existing investment portfolio to more closely align with a client's objectives, and to simplify monitoring.

Individuals who are unsure whether to invest on their own, or through an investment advisor*:

  • Should I invest in mutual funds, or individual securities?
  • Should I use fee based money managers, a commission based financial advisor, or save money and invest directly on my own?
  • What are my true costs of investment and what is the best way to invest, unique to my situation?

Individuals seeking an estate plan that thoroughly carries out their wishes once they are gone:

From the simplest to the most complex estate, individuals want "no stone left unturned", when it comes to integrating wishes for children and grandchildren, family, friends, and charity, into a comprehensive yet clear game plan. Families want to weed through the unknowns and complexities of tax laws governing the estate tax, and income tax, and create a clear plan to minimize, or legally avoid these potentially devastating liabilities.  The planning process also makes sure to address the protection of a client's hard earned wealth from all other areas of exposure currently, as well as for future generations (ie. long term care costs, creditors, divorce, lawsuit, etc.).

Families of family-owned businesses wanting to design and implement, or review a business succession plan:

  • Address all estate, business and family issues unique to the client's family, and reduce into a succession plan with the most effective strategies possible, all clearly understood by the client, and implemented to carry out the client's wishes.
  • Align business succession with individual retirement, estate and philanthropic planning.

Individuals seeking to enhance estate planning as well as to benefit others through charitable giving:

Education concerning all strategies associated with charitable planning, and design of a plan unique to a client's objectives.

Business owners who want to maximize benefits to a company and/or themselves and key employees by properly structuring key employee and deferred compensation plans:

  • The client is educated on various strategies and the plan is designed that is unique to the company and key employees, as well as integrated into the client's own personal retirement/income game plan.
  • This type of planning extends from the simplest of plans with small companies to the highest quality, design and servicing of complex BOLI and COLI cases for large companies.

Non Profit Organizations (NPOs) who currently offer and administer Charitable Gift Annuities (CGAs), who desire to greatly reduce the risk associated with their obligation to make good on their promised payments to donors:

  • Because market risk and a donor's increasing longevity of life add a large element of risk to a non profit organization's ability to administer a CGA, a strategy known as reinsurance allows a NPO to use a portion of the gift to transfer this risk to a life insurance company, by purchasing a lifetime income annuity for the amount of the NPO's obligation.
  • A NPO's current CGA environment is clarified, and a reinsurance strategy is reviewed with the NPO to see if it may benefit them.  If so, a game plan is prepared and implemented.

*Services offered through Richard's affiliation with Eagle Strategies LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser.

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